The Affair is an American drama television series, created by Sarah Treem and Hagai Levi that premiered October 12, 2014 on Showtime. The series focuses on Detective Jeffries' interrogation of Noah Solloway and Allison Lockwood during the investigation of the death of Scotty Lockwood.
Noah Solloway and Alison Bailey deny involvement in Scotty Lockwood's death and share memories with Detective Jeffries of the time they met and began an affair in the resort town of Montauk, Long Island. Each episode of the series represents the separate interrogation of Noah Solloway and Alison Lockwood and the stories they share often have distinct and subtle differences.
Noah is a New York City schoolteacher and Williams College alum who has had one novel published, and is struggling to write a second book. He is happily married with four children, but resents his dependence on his wealthy father-in-law. Alison is a young waitress trying to piece her life and marriage back together in the wake of the death of her child. The story of the affair is told separately, complete with distinct memory biases, from Noah's and Alison's perspectives.